Everything is perception. I did not want to live in Texas; I saw Texas as a red-neck state, a cowboy state, a great meat-eating state, a gun-loving state, unsophisticated. But circumstances have brought me to live in Texas, and now I see Texas quite differently. It is not at all as I had thought. There are always invisible qualites that lie hidden from statistics and generalizations. Next year I will have changed my perception again, and the year after that too, and so on, until at last I come closer to the truth. The great ones, who have evolved, spiritualized themselves, see clearly, see the truth of things. Until I have perfectly evolved myself my version of the truth will always be limited, be greatly prejudiced, and subject therefore to constant change. However, what I can do is to accept this situation, to realize how the process of my evolution works – evolving my perception of things. I too will then be on my way to spiritualizing myself. Spiritualization exists only in the working on oneself – in going within, introspection. Spiritualization is an interior process. Evolvement, spiritualization is founded upon knowing the Truth – which is correct perception.
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